Dr Gavriil Isaakidis
πνευμονολόγος,Ισαακίδης,καλύτερος πνευμονολόγος
πνευμονολόγοι πειραιά,
ισαακiδης ,εργαστήριο αναπνευστικής λειτουργίας,γαβριήλ ισαακίδης,βρογχοσκόπηση,βρογχολογικο καρκίνος πνεύμονα βρογχοσκόπηση,μελέτη ύπνου,κατ'οικον μελέτη ύπνου,άπνοια,σύνδρομο άπνοιας στον ύπνο,πνευμονολόγοι αθήνα,πνευμονολόγοι ΕΟΠΥΥ,γιατρος κατοικον,γιατρό στο σπίτι,έλεγχος αναπνευστικών μυών,κάπνισμα,Pulmonologist Piraeus,Respiratory Meidical center,Isaakidis lung function test,pulmonary function test,Respirologist,Pulmonary clinic pireas,καλ΄τεροι πνευμονολογοι στην Ελλάδα,πνευμονολογοι αθήνα,πνευμονολόγος,ρευματοειδής αρθρίτιδα,σκληρόδερμα,διάχυση,υπνική άπνοια
Clinic of interstitial parenchymal diseases-occupational diseases-rheumatic diseases
A series of systemic diseases (rheumatism, vasculitis) significantly affect the lungs.
Inhalation of toxic gases-vapours-solvents-fungi and industrial dust causes severe damage to the interstitial-supportive tissue of the lungs
Drugs used in daily practice (antiarrhythmic, antirheumatic, antipsoriatic, antineoplastic, cytostatic, radiation therapy) directly affect lung tissue, causing acute and chronic lung damage.
Finally, idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (ILDs) are similar to all the above diseases with an unknown but initial cause. Early diagnosis through high definition computed tomography, spirometry, bronchoscopy or even lung biopsy lead to appropriate treatment.
Prevention and Control of Pulmonary Tuberculosis - Control MANTOUX
Control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and follow-up of patients with latent or treated disease. In the doctor's office, the MANTO test is performed and after 48-72 hours the result is read. At the same time, all modern diagnostic tools are applied (microbiological tests, bronchoscopy, thoracocentesis) for the rapid identification of the disease and the immediate initiation of treatment.