πνευμονολόγος,Ισαακίδης,καλύτερος πνευμονολόγος
πνευμονολόγοι πειραιά,
ισαακiδης ,εργαστήριο αναπνευστικής λειτουργίας,γαβριήλ ισαακίδης,βρογχοσκόπηση,βρογχολογικο καρκίνος πνεύμονα βρογχοσκόπηση,μελέτη ύπνου,κατ'οικον μελέτη ύπνου,άπνοια,σύνδρομο άπνοιας στον ύπνο,πνευμονολόγοι αθήνα,πνευμονολόγοι ΕΟΠΥΥ,γιατρος κατοικον,γιατρό στο σπίτι,έλεγχος αναπνευστικών μυών,κάπνισμα,Pulmonologist Piraeus,Respiratory Meidical center,Isaakidis lung function test,pulmonary function test,Respirologist,Pulmonary clinic pireas,καλ΄τεροι πνευμονολογοι στην Ελλάδα,πνευμονολογοι αθήνα,πνευμονολόγος,ρευματοειδής αρθρίτιδα,σκληρόδερμα,διάχυση,υπνική άπνοια

pulmonologist at home, doctor at home, home medical visit, SOS doctors, home care, ygeiastospiti, doctoranytime, pulmonologists eopy
Σύντομο βιογραφικό
CI was born, grew up and live in Piraeus.
I studied successively at the medical schools of the universities of Ancona (Universita degli studi di Ancona) and Patras from which I graduated (2002).
I served in my military service in the land army as a doctor in Kyprinos N. Evros and in the Athens Presidential Guard.
I did my agricultural work in Karatza, Troizinia province (2003-2005).
I specialized in Pulmonology-Tuberculosis at the Athens Thoracic Hospital "I SOTIRIA" (2006-2011)
I hold the international ATLS qualification.
I speak English and Italian
I am a graduate student of the "Clinical Ergospirometry-Exercise and Rehabilitation" master's degree at the EKPA
I participate incessantly in medical conferences and in several scientific papers.

I have worked as a doctor at the Sotiria, Tzanio, Metropolitan hospitals, at the Galata Health Center.
I have been a volunteer teacher of the Hellenic Red Cross (HRC) to the nurses of Piraeus.
I have taught at the public IEK NICAIA
I am a member of the medical associations of Piraeus and Athens, the Hellenic Pulmonology Society (EPE), the European Society of Pulmonology (ERS) andof the Union of Pulmonologists of Greece (EPNEL).
I maintain a private practice in Piraeus. I am the scientific manager of the pulmonology clinic at the Medifirst Argyroupoli polyclinic of the INTERAMERICAN group
I was the director pulmonary department of the private clinic COSMOCLINIC "Our Lady the Guide" from 2019-2021
I have been working with the network since 2014 MEDISYSTEM of INTERAMERICAN and from 2020 with its polyclinic in Argyroupoli (Medifirst)